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CT+ Project is a useful tool to reduce unemployment in the creative sector. We want to offer effective strategies for the development of relevant and high-quality skills and competencies, promoting entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship. Our targets are creative people and we also want to target the differences between males and females in creative work environments.
The consortium are involved in the design, execution, implementation and dissemination of this European project. We were brought together because of our respective geographical locations and our creative connections and fields of education that are closely linked to creativity and entrepreneurship.

Vigo | Spain
Postal 3
Postal 3 is dedicated to training, consulting projects, and developing online resources, whose services public and private organizations have achieved remarkable success and growth over the past two decades, becoming a benchmark in the field of training in Spain, and forming a model of prestige in the design and execution of training plans linked to different sectors, emphasizing in training and dissemination for Public Administration, in Europe and Latin America.
At the same time, Postal 3 develop projects linked to new technologies, assuming R + D + i development, diffusion and implementation, experimental projects, or activities around different service platforms and / or application development.
Postal 3 has been providing training and support to youth people and professionals for more than 28 years, training needs, carrying out plans of orientation and personal and professional growth, labour market opportunity analysis, improving the skills and abilities of workers in multiple private and public business sectors, entrepreneur capability of students and workers, start-up assistance, production of e-Learning contents, and frequent collaboration in the activities of dissemination, promotion, training and guidance in associations of different priority groups linked to training needs.
More than 100,000 young people have benefited directly from the projects in which Postal 3 has worked in the last 10 years, on National and international projects for Youth within National and UE programs and funds, training people to work in the public sector, work orientation plans for young people and other priority groups, a consulting service designing projects for business associations, social and educational associations, and specialization and qualification of human resources.

Amsterdam | Netherlands
Stichting Amsterdam European Mobility
Stichting Amsterdam European Mobility (Adam.mob Foundation), located in Amsterdam began its activity in 2012. The main purpose of the association is encouraging a communitarian spirit and integration and supporting the knowledge of the European culture especially between young people, and generally between all European citizens.
Stichting Amsterdam European Mobility is involved in Asylum, Migration and Integration policy from 2014. Adam.mob operate at local, regional and european level with the purpose to share, experiment and transfer service models for the migrant and education sector. One of the Adammob priority goal is promove intercultural dialogue activites in EU.
Adam.mob large UE and local partnership will help to the disseminate in a direct and indirect level.
One of our main goal is organize multicultural events, workshops and training courses which offer to young people the chance to grow up thanks to social and work experiences abroad. The main purpose of these actions is increasing theirs awareness and theirs potential.
Mobility within and migration into Europe has increased the importance of young people having an appreciation and positive approach to cultural diversity. Active citizenship is an important tool to participate in a vibrant society and to ensure there is a platform through which to value cultural diversity.

Lancaster | UK
Lancaster & Morecambe College
Lancaster and Morecambe College (LMC) is a public sector college of further education and the main provider of vocational and adult education and training in North Lancashire and South Cumbria. It annually has around 1500 full-time students & 3000+ part-time or work based students.
LMC’s main role is to provide training in vocational skills to students of all ages and ability levels, leading to employment and/or academic skills leading to a place in higher education. LMC welcomes students of all ages and has well established courses in basic skills as well as initial teacher training and a range of business courses.
LMC believes in making sure that their students and members of staff feel not only safe and valued but also supported to realise their potential. The LMC mission statement clearly sets out their role in the community. ‘Providing Lancaster and Morecambe and surrounding communities with an outstanding student experience fulfilling vocational, personal and employment goals.’
Rated Good by OFSTED, LMC success rates are in the top 10% of colleges in the UK, and the key to our success is a strong set of values which permeates all aspects of our college life including transnational activity.
International Projects have played an increasingly important role in the personal and professional development of students and staff as well as the wider community and the essential experiences from participating in European projects and programs gives significant value to the working and learning experiences of those who attend the college.

Potenza | Italy
EURO-NET is a not for profit association that is member or associated member of 58 international networks (5 of them are EU networks: Europe Direct, Euroguidance, Eurodesk, Solvit and EBN-European Business & Innovation Centre Network), and has 61 own antennas in 22 different countries in Europe.
EURO-NET gives to children, young people and adults these services:
– Information and project development center;
– Organization of training courses, exchanges and cultural, artistic or sport activities;
– Sector study, research;
– Counseling, crisis support and prevention;
– E-learning, networking, partnerships, training courses and workshops;
– Publications, newspapers and web sites.
It has realized more than 385 European projects, especially with Youth and Youth in Action, Socrates, Leonardo, LLP, Progress, Daphne, Life, E-Aid, Culture, Creative Europe, Erasmus Plus (KA1, KA2 and KA3), Representation in Italy of E.C., European Youth Foundation, Council of Europe, etc.
EURO-NET was chosen 2 times from the European Commission in the Pan-European Working Groups for its competences and 3 times published for its best practices in the field of media and communications).

Nicosia | Cyprus
The Emphasys Centre has developed into a successful ICT Educational and Vocational Centre and a European Research Centre, that cooperates closely with various organisations in Europe for the implementation of EU projects.
The Emphasys Centre is approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture as an Educational and Vocational Centre specializing in the field of ICT and by the Cyprus Human Resource Authority.
As an educational institution the Emphasys Centre offers high quality courses for adults, professionals and young people interested in obtaining professional qualification or attain vocational training for employment. The Emphasys Centre» has been involved greatly in the last 17 years in organising custom-made in-service training courses for the employees of various companies and organisations in the private and public sector based on their ICT needs and requirements.
As an Educational Institution, the Emphasys Centre provides services for career guidance for young people, youth and students. The Emphasys Centre also offers counseling and mentoring to all learners aiming at enhancing their learning capability according to their needs (Early School Leavers, Young unemployed people). Further support is provided to students with learning difficulties and developmental problems, by detecting their special needs and providing individual help through appropriately designed rehabilitation programs.