The transnational partnership that designed the “Creativity Training for Europe” (CT +) project, assuming the complex reality that exists in a Europe affected by the pandemic, and especially, in the situation of creative people in Europe both when training, as well as when carrying out creative/artistic projects, has designed a continuation of the successful work carried out in “CT+”, starting from the feedback obtained by the creative people who have participated in his activities from different European countries, and applying their needs to a new project:
CT + Lockdown
CT + Lockdown will bring creativity training and the development of creative projects to the COVID context, making it easier for European creative people to face these new challenges with the best chances of success.
This will include being able to develop new competencies to train creativity in a Lockdown situation, and getting closer to being able to carry out projects locally or collaboratively.
In addition, CT + Lockdown will work specifically with creative and artistic sectors especially affected by the current situation, specifically including video, design, dance, music and theatre.
CT + Lockdown will include a roadmap to support trainers, professionals, work team managers, and those responsible for creative or artistic projects, to configure a work context to inspire the development of creativity and face a confined market.
This project will be a continuation of the current “CT +” project, and will promote that creative people are even better able to grow in their capacities and to face current updated market from a European perspective.
CT + Lockdown Project is waiting to be evaluated by the agency that manages the Erasmus + program, hoping to be able to launch it next March.